Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Say no more to constipation

Hi, we have spoken and mentioned in many blogs, websites pages, when talking about constipation.

A good colon cleanse product (one recommended on my site) is only you start-up point! From there a good life style regimen and healthy food intake diet is the key to maintain a healthy and happy digestive tract, which makes you happier and in good mood when not constipated.

I have personally used Ultimate colon cleanse, and seen very good results within 3 days. Yes 3 days is all it took me, and the great thing about their products is the night time tea, which is by the way a great and I recommend it daily, even after you have finished your program.

Taking the night tea gave me wonderful results. I would wake up and have a warm glass of water and strait to bathroom.

Now I have at least two bowel movements a day, and I have adopted A high fiber cereals to my breakfast, Muslix my favorite is Banana nuts and Almond Raisins, and some times i take a dry bowl mix of them instead of chips while watching TV. At least 3 fruits a day and lot of vegetables. A fruit or two after supper, helps you digest better, with a tea. My stomach is happy and me too.

 Take care of yourself and of your guts too. you have a mouth and guts, what goes in has to come out some how, it is the gravity law.
Happy and healthy colon.


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